18 July 2008

Yet Another Reason Why I Do Not Support Barack Obama

I understand that Charles Krauthammer is a right-wing pundit. This post in no way supports him or his positions, in general, because I generally don't. But, in my opinion, he is spot on in his Op-Ed column today about Senator Obama.

I have yet to know for what Senator Obama stands and for what he will fight ... other than his own hubris and his own rise to the highest office in the land.


ArrBee said...

That's quite a rant there, Aris. I'm sure that you realize that there are more than two candidates for POTUS. Or perhaps you are such a slave to the media that you haven't done your own research on the various candidates and their platforms?

ArrBee said...

While I do not argue that the current administration has made a nice mess of things, I cannot blindly support someone whose policy positions are about as clear as a Paula Abdul critique.